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Which Are The Best Bed Wetting Methods?

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

There are many reasons why teenagers and adults have bed wetting symptoms, and it's always a good idea to have a doctor look into it to rule out serious problems. Apart from the reasons that bed wetting is happening, however, it can be a tiring, even harrowing experience. There are options for successfully taking care of this issue, however, and in this article we will review some of these options.

One treatment is medication prescribed by a doctor to help treat bed wetting issues in both adults and children. Your doctor can prescribe a variety of different drugs to help treat this condition. Some of the medications, such as DDAVP, reduce the amount of urine produced at night.

Antidepressants are recommended in some cases. These drugs are used for people who are wetting the bed because of other medications that they take. These medications won't help with any psychological or medical conditions, however, only the symptom of bed wetting. Like any other medications, drugs prescribed for bed wetting may have side effects that you'll need to be aware of. One effortless technique for eliminating bed wetting is to use a normal alarm clock. While there is an array of apparatuses that will wake you up when you are about to urinate, these can be high priced and feel unpleasant. If you can take a guess what time you generally wet the bed, then another solution is to set the alarm close ahead of the time. Then you can get out of bed and visit the bathroom. As time progresses, you might discover that you wake up when you need to without reaching for the alarm clock. This method of treating bed wetting can be helpful, although if there are other problems causing the bed wetting symptoms, they must also be treated of course.

Because people who suffer from bed wetting are sometimes more prone to urinary tract infections and kidney problems, eating cranberries can be a way to treat these issues. An acute infection needs immediate medical attention but cranberries, whether juice or supplements, can help improve your bladder and kidney health in the long run. While cranberry supplements are not an instant cure for bed wetting, they are a proven way to flush toxins and bacteria out of your system. You can help prevent future problems by strengthening your bladder and kidneys if they are the cause of your bed wetting. So if you have frequent bed wetting problems that are rooted in bladder or kidney problems, cranberries can be a helpful treatment.

The determining factors in treating bed wetting are a person's age and medical history. You need to do everything you can to find out the cause of your bed wetting even if it is not apparent. Knowing the cause means you can treat the bed wetting effectively and any serious medical issues as well. Regardless of what's causing the bed wetting, the above treatments may be able to help you control the problem.

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