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Can Our Pets Teach Us Something About Marriage?

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Some pet owners hold the mistaken belief that their beloved pet will show them affection no matter what. They think this because they love their pets. All of our pets need attention and quality time just like us. Not only do they require a lot of care, but they also pull tricks like peeing on your carpet, grabbing food from your kitchen counters, and puking on the couch. This is of no concern though.
Even with these bad traits, you'll still show them a lot of love. It's too bad that many of us treat our pets better than our spouses.

Most pets are right there at the door waiting for you to get home from work. No matter how badly your day went, you'll show your pet some affection before you go off to relax. If it wants to, you'll be appreciative of it sitting in your lap. Did you give your spouse an equally-effusive greeting, or did you grumble about your day and pretty much ignore them? Did your spouse ignore your home-coming? Many people put more effort towards loving their pets than they do their marriage

There will probably be plenty of times that your pet does something to upset you. Even if you curse your pet out, he won't be able to understand your words. You'll probably forgive his actions in a few minutes anyway. If your spouse did something to upset you, you'd probably be much less forgiving. It's no wonder that so many marriages fall apart when we don't even treat them as well as we do our animals.

You should apply the lessons you learn from your pet to your marriage. Whenever your spouse does something to upset you, avoid arguing since it only creates more separation between the two of you. Although we may forgive them, the words will likely never be forgotten. Overall, you want to treat your spouse, and your pet, the way you would like to have them treat you.No.Skdgske4gk-ds

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on Signs your marriage is over and stop your divorce