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Consider Some Of The Causes Of Wetting The Bed?

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

When bed wetting happens to adults it is reason for concern as this is a symptom that is not just uncomfortable but very serious. If there is a medical reason to do this it should be dealt with that way but sometimes it happens because of emotional causes that are hard to pin down. Let's look at some of the causes of bed wetting in adults, which can make it easier to understand why this may be happening.

If you are taking any kind of sleeping pills to help you sleep, every so often this can instigate bed wetting. Individuals who take vigorous sleep aids might not wake up even if they have to go to the bathroom. If you know a person who is afflicted with this, it would likely be a smart idea to minimize the dosage amount of the sleep medication or changing to another drug. If this is something that your medical professional has prescribed to you, then you need to inquire with them about the right amount to take or using an alternative. In some instances, individuals take medication for an additional condition that has the same effect, which results in severe drowsiness that makes them sleep very heavily. If this kind of medication is getting you to start wetting the bed, the only resolution is to make changes in this area. If you have a challenging time falling asleep, there could be some substitutes for sleep medication so you don't have to fret about side effects, like bed wetting.

A lot of older people with Alzheimer's disease have an issue with wetting the bed. The disease could meddle with the typical reflexes that alarm you when you should go to the bathroom.

It isn't always feasible to thwart all of the indications of Alzheimer's, but in some situations there are remedies that can be advantageous. If older individuals are taking medications to help other problems, this can additionally be a foundation for bed wetting. In Alzheimer's cases, a doctor may be able to suggest a way to control or prevent bed wetting, depending on how advanced the disease has become.

When bed wetting occurs in adults, it is sometimes one of the symptoms of a sleep disorder. One condition that can cause this is sleep apnea, which happens when the breathing gets obstructed during sleep. This can occur in both children and adults, and can cause serious health problems, as breathing can actually stop at times. Some people who suffer from sleepwalking also have issues with bed wetting. In general, sleep disorders can keep you from waking up in time to use the bathroom. In some cases, people with sleep disorders become disoriented and aren't sure where they are. There are plenty of treatments for sleep disorders which vary depending on the type of your specific disorder.

When bed wetting happens without a "real" reason for someone who has other sleep problems, a doctor needs to be called in to investigate. It is important to figure out why you are wetting the bed in case it is caused by a serious condition. No matter what is causing it, you are probably anxious to make it stop and this is only possible once you know the original cause. These are not the only causes for bed wetting so if it is happening to you, you should call your doctor.

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