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Toddlers Can Climb Down Stairs With These Techniques

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Teaching a toddler to descend stairs can be a worrying time for parents. It is not uncommon for parents to worry about their children when they are doing this. Stairs are dangerous for children, if they fall, they may hurt themselves. Seeing your child in pain can be an extremely distressing experience.

Here are two ways your toddler can learn to descend the stairs in your home. You can then forget about worrying for them every time you hear them coming down the stairs.

1. Crawl Backwards

Toddlers can walk into stair climbing with an air of hubris about them. They’ll slide down them any which way they like.

Why not try teaching them to crawl backwards down the stairs in a similar fashion to how they crawl up them? Toddlers can pick this technique up quite quickly.

Don’t take your eye off your toddlers when they’re going down the stairs, even when they appear to have mastered it. If they lose their balance, you’ll be on hand to stabilise them and put them straight.

2. On their bottoms

The other option you have is to teach them to go down on their bottoms. The reason many choose this option is that it allows the child to see where they are going. Those with reservations about their child’s balance will want to teach them this method.

When you do this, let them slide down a step at a time. Let them take a firm grip of the stair spindles, so they’ve something to grasp onto should they start to slide too quickly.

Bear these points in mind when teaching your toddler to descend your stairs. They’ll be walking down the stairs in no time.