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Joint Custody - A Look at Common Issues

Saturday, September 3, 2011

One of the most contested areas of a divorce is child custody. No matter how a couple may feel about each other, they both still love their children and want to be a part of their lives. Once we become used to their presence in our everyday lives, it can be difficult living without them.
Although it's no longer the case, children and wives used to be considered the husband's property. Since it's fairer for both parties, joint custody is commonly applied these days.

When it comes to joint custody, children have to spend time with both parents. Although the split isn't usually done right down the middle, the non-custodial parent usually gets adequate visitation rights.

The courts can either order a joint custody agreement or the parents can come to the conclusion themselves. One parent's home will usually be designated as the primary residence. In a few cases, the father is deemed to be the primary parent, but it's usually the mother.

Once the court has established joint custody, it will set up a visitation schedule unless the couple is able to work out one on their own. Every other weekend and rotating holidays usually make up this schedule. Parents will need to be assigned holidays based on even and odd-numbered years. In even numbered years, for example, the father may get Thanksgiving with the child. The mother would have the child during odd numbered years for the holiday. For other major holidays, it would be the same situation.

In some cases, the judge may decide that the parents have to split the time evenly. This usually means that the child will spend one week with the parent before switching again. This is certainly an option if the parent's homes and the school are close enough to each other. The parent would need to ensure that the child attends school and all necessary appointments during their visitation time. While staying with the parent, he or she will need to provide the child with all necessary food and clothing.Doc No.azlcssaeh-sdgfhkl

Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology. Check out her websites on stop my divorce and stop divorce