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Consuming Prune Juice Is A Wonderful Solution For Pregnant Mothers

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Constipation while being pregnant can be quite a common occurrence. The changes in your levels of hormones is one big reason it takes place, it also can come from exercising less if you were extremely active before you became pregnant. Just being a woman makes you more prone to constipation, since 80 to 90 % of the cases occur in women.

Can constipation in pregnancy hurt you? First, even though it doesn't harm your body or the baby, it's simply uncomfortable. However, in case you have a high-risk pregnancy, the extra pressure caused by the constipation might trigger an early delivery. Any additional strain in the bathroom can also make hemorrhoids, among the pitfalls of pregnancy, more serious. The pressure from accumulated fecal matter can also create more pressure on the abdomen when straining to go to the bathroom, which can add to the prospect of varicose veins.

The build up of fecal matter can stretch the sphincter muscle and make them weaken. Over time, this leads to fecal incontinence, not being able to control the bowel. It can also result in more constipation. Straining to go to the bathroom can also be one component that leads to a hiatal hernia over time. However, in many instances, it's simply uncomfortable.

Since whatever you consume also affects the child, many women don't desire to take harsh laxatives when pregnant. While stool softeners help, a more natural approach is usually the best. Increasing your fluid intake is a good way to aid in the relief of constipation.

Mothers have used prune juice as a natural solution for constipation in pregnancy for quite some time. The natural sugars in the prune juice work naturally in the intestines to assist remove more fluids and soften the stools.

Prune juice can also be good for constipation in pregnancy as it contains the compound, dihydroxyphenyl isatin. Even though the name is incredibly long, the work it does inside your colon occurs in short order. This compound helps stimulate the walls of the intestines to contract, as well as increasing fluid secretions, which is the function of a stool softener.

Prune juice not just helps constipation while being pregnant, it adds more vitamins and mineral to your diet. A single serving of prune juice offers 17 % of the average daily requirement for vitamin C, 17 % of the daily requirement for iron, three percent of the requirement of calcium, and is a great source of vitamin B6, potassium and manganese.

The healthiness of your infant along with your own health and comfort can benefit from using prune juice for constipation in pregnancy. You'll not only relieve the problem and steer clear of future problems you'll also be consuming a healthy drink that's good for you.