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The Facts Explained: Is Alcohol Addiction Genetic?

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Is addiction to alcohol genetic?
Many scientists claim that there is cause to believe that it’s possible. Although science has never been able to locate the specific gene that has been said to be the cause of genetic alcoholism, figures reveal that children of alcoholics are four times more likely to develop an addiction to alcohol than other children, who haven't been brought up in an alcoholic setting. Isn’t it possible that these children have experienced learned behaviour and act on it in later life?

According to these same authorities, the environment where the child grew up is also a large factor that influences these shocking statistics. Both lines of thought are balanced at this time, with neither actually answering the question, is alcohol addiction genetic? If addiction and uninhibited behaviour are genetic traits that run in families, then why do some children still turn out fine, and can drink responsibly like everyone else? It all comes down to the complications and inefficiencies of science.

Behaviour is still a widely uncharted part of science, but tests have established that there is a ‘streak’ in families that could be the addiction gene. Some people are more disposed to addictive behaviours than others, so it stands to reason that it could be due to their base natures. The most influential scientific combination is the person who has a parent who is addicted to alcohol and who also has an addictive nature. In some circumstances, children will be born without an addictive personality, in which case they are not very likely to end up as alcoholics.

Is Alcoholism genetic? There is enough evidence to suggest it is, but not enough to say for sure. The bottom line is that just because you have an alcoholic parent, doesn’t mean you will follow in their footsteps. The danger may be higher for you due to your genetic code, but the choice is still up to you. Just like your parent made the decision once to continue drinking to a point when they became physically and mentally addicted, that time could come for you.

A decade ago scientists thought they had finally discovered the answer to the question, is alcoholism genetic? If there is a gene, it can be manipulated, possibly removed from children before they have to deal with its allure. This inheritable factor was called the DRD2 gene, but it was only slightly related to alcoholic inclinations in people. Scientists claimed that this gene was the one that made the effects of alcohol attractive to certain people that possessed it. The addiction gene however, still requires a lot of study before any assumptions can be made about it.

People are continually trying to find reasons for why they behave the way that they do. Whether they are raised in harmful alcoholic homes or are born with a particular genetic factor that urges them into alcohol addiction, there is always a choice. If you know that there is a history of alcoholism in your family, keep an eye on your drinking and make sure it never goes too far. There is an answer to the question, is alcoholism hereditary? We won’t know it for some time, but until then choose to drink responsibly or not at all.

For more information, visit Addictions UK - Home-Based Addiction Treatment


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