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How To Ease Leg Cramps

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Leg cramps could trigger so much distress. It is an ache in the leg muscle which is brought about by muscle spasm or when the muscles stiffen severely. It affects the calf muscle which is below and behind the knee. Even the little muscles of your feet and thigh may also be affected.

A cramp normally lasts for a couple of minutes and the intensity of the pain may also differ. The muscle usually continues to be sensitive twenty four hours following a cramp. Individuals typically struggle with leg cramps when resting or during night time when in bed. For this reason, this disorder is also referred to as nighttime cramps. Though, night cramps are generally nothing to be worried about, it could really be an uncomfortable issue if you usually wake up at night due to the pain.

Muscle cramps are typically induced by overexertion and dehydration. When there is insufficient fluid in your body, an electrolyte imbalance develops, which successively, causes your muscles to contract so much. Electrolytes are forms of minerals like magnesium, sodium, magnesium, potassium and calcium that empower the body cells to perform properly. The primary electrolytes responsible for muscle cramping are sodium, potassium, and calcium.

Muscle cramps are also associated with exposure to cold temperatures, conception, injuries, worn out muscles and other medical conditions such as kidney disease, blood flow problems, multiple sclerosis and thyroid malady. It may also be the result of having particular medications specifically antibiotics, diuretics, birth control pills, statins and steroids.

To soothe the strain of muscle cramps, you may take a shot at some of these points until you select what suits you best.

1. Stretch and stroke your muscles when your muscles start to tighten.
2. Take a hot shower to relax your muscles. You may also set a heating pad on the tight muscle.
3. Use a cool or ice pack. Do not forget to station a cloth between the ice pack and your skin.
4. Take over the counter drugs for the speedy pain relief of night cramps such as ibuprofen, acetaminophen, naproxen or Crampeze capsules.
5. Take a sit and straighten out your leg. Bend your foot up towards your knee. You can even use a rolled hand towel below the ball of the afflicted foot. Hold both ends of the cloth and easily drag the cloth towards your knee. When doing this, be certain to hold your knees straight.
6. Use VaporRub and gradually rub the affected area. The cooling impact will eventually lift the cramp.
7. When in bed, use a pillow to raise your feet and sleep on your spine.

You can go to the Inspired Wellbeing page if you are looking out for over-the-counter antidotes for night cramps. You may also check up on Anthogenol 90 which is recognized to alleviate leg pains, heaviness and swelling because of varicose veins