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Healthy Skin Via Fish Oil - It Is A Necessity - Purity Products

Monday, February 14, 2011

Skin cells have membranes that are composed of lipid bilayers, like other cells throughout the body. The lipid bilayers facilitate cellular communication, which leads to an inflow of nutrients as well as an outflow of toxins, an exchange that is necessary for promoting the health of all cells. Manifestations of dysfunctional or unhealthy cells become obvious on the skin since it is an area that is open to the outside world. If you want healthy skin you must keep these cells happy, supple and vibrant. Making sure your skin can function properly while looking healthy and attractive is mostly determined by what you eat. Your skin will reward you for treating it well, like every other part of your body. Like every other part of your body that has been examined, your skin loves and needs omega-3 fats that are come from fish oils.

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Your skin is exposed to the harshness of our environment on a daily basis. This exposure poses major challenges. The consumption of fish oils helps maintain your skin’s youthful vibrancy and suppleness while strengthening the protection it provides as the body’s major external organ. Research summarized in an article published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that daily intakes of several grams of fish oil every day can promote healthy skin. Because “healthy skin” promotion by the fish oils depends in part on the natural state of the skin, it is likely that the skin of fair-skinned individuals will benefit the most from supplementation of the diet with fish oils. Fish oil and the omega-3 fats contained within it enhance the functionality of the skin as an immune barrier by facilitating nutrient exchange and toxin removal within cells.

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Another way omega-3 fats support skin is by regulating the production of chemicals by the immune system in response to different exposures. Research published in the Journal of Lipid Research decades ago reported that it is not healthy for skin to be exposed to greater production of pro-inflammatory triggers. Within the skin, though, fish oils aid in maintaining a normal balance of pro-inflammatory as well as anti-inflammatory metabolic compounds. By including cold-water ocean fish and fish oils into your daily diet, you can be sure that you are nurturing your skin.