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Daily Oral Hygiene Review

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Everyone loves looking at a great smile with nice clean teeth says the dentist Windsor. Your daily oral hygiene is vital for good health. You have to start out by having a good routine and seeing your dentist on a regular basis. Brush your teeth twice a day, floss good and get into the habit of using a good mouth wash. To keep your tooth enamel in great shape, use toothpaste that is fluoride enriched. You can get this stuff at any store.

If your going to get into the habit of a good daily oral hygiene, take the time to do it right says the Melbourne dentists. Some people just spend a minute or so with a quick brush and that isn’t good. You should take at least 5 minutes and brush the back, sides and front of your teeth. Brush along the gum line as well and don’t forget to get your tongue. When you floss, take great care not to damage the gum line.

You can have a lot of problems if you don’t have a good regular oral hygiene routine. The obvious sign are when cavities show up. Cavities arrive from a bacterial buildup that produces acids. The acid eats away at the tooth enamel that gives you cavities. What follows is peritonitis, which is plaque that builds up and works its way into the gums. Your teeth become weak and you could loose some teeth.

The Academy of General Dentistry tells us that if you don’t develop a good daily oral hygiene, that you can be faced with having other health problems as well. This involves heart disease, stroke, and in women, babies how are delivery pre-term, or have a low birth weight. Other material shows us that other diseases like cancer, kidney problems, leukemia and diabetes are linked up with poor daily hygiene. If you don’t take care of your mouth, you can end up getting tooth and mouth pains. Gingivitis, which is the early beginnings of gum and mouth disease, more than 75% of people living in the US have.

This doesn’t have to happen to you. All you have to do is get on a good daily oral hygiene routine. There are others things that you can do besides flossing and brushing your teeth. Having too much coffee can stain your teeth. So limit your intake of coffee. Smoking is not good for your teeth either. It stains your teeth and affects your gums. When we are talking about tooth enamel, soda and other sweets break it down.

Let’s look at the other side of things; you have a lot of material out there. The internet is loaded full of information and you can ask your dentist for tips as well. You dentist can even supply you with a good tooth brush and dental floss. We all like to eat nice treats and your dentist can give you alternatives that you can take. This will keep your teeth in good physical shape. Developing a good daily oral hygiene is good for you to do.