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Great Tips For Getting Pregnant

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

The decision to become pregnant is life altering but once made most want it to happen right away. When it comes to getting pregnant there are several ways to increase your chances. While conceiving is a natural process, there are things that can be done to quicken the process.

Stopping medications that impede chances for conception should be ceased. Obvious medications are birth control pills, but some may take medications for health ailments. A doctor should be consulted about which medications may be harmful to a baby, and if it is safe to temporarily stop taking them while trying to conceive and while pregnant.

It is important to get familiar with your menstrual cycle, as this is an indicator of when ovulation is imminent. Typically, ovulation takes place fourteen days before the next menstrual period. Paying attention to certain signs and symptoms may also indicate ovulation. Abdominal cramps and a change in vaginal secretions are two such indicators. Vaginal secretions may become clear and thin during ovulation. In addition, the basal body temperature is another sign of ovulation; it usually rises before ovulation occurs. There are also ovulation detection kits that can be purchased over-the-counter.

Men can make some changes that increase chances as well. Wearing boxers instead of briefs is helpful. Briefs may decrease sperm count. Smoking also decreases sperm count. Mom should cease smoking as well to avoid increased risk of miscarriage and low birth weight babies. Having sex once a day during the ovulation period is beneficial.

Other habits to change is to eliminate coffee, teas, and chocolate. Caffeine may impede iron absorption. Too much caffeine may increase the risk for a stillborn birth. Some medications may make conceiving harder, or be harmful for the baby. There are some medications that cause birth defects. A doctor should be consulted about which medications to stop, if safe to do so.

Drink plenty of orange juice. This is because it contains folate, an ingredient known to reduce the risk of certain birth defects. Supplements that contain folic acid are a great option. Prenatal vitamins do not have to be taken just during pregnancy, they may be taken before to help create a nurturing environment for the potential baby.

Obese or overweight women may have a harder time conceiving. Obtaining a healthy weight, shoot for a body mass index below 30, is vital for getting pregnant. Exercise is a great way to reduce excess weight but should be done in moderation. Excessive exercise may stop the menstrual cycle or make it irregular, making conception harder. Try moderate amounts of exercise a few times a week.

Getting pregnant is typically a joyous event. For those wanting to increase their chances, a few lifestyle changes may increase not just the odds for pregnancy, but also the odds for a healthy baby. If conception does not occur after one year of trying, a doctor should be consulted for testing and other options. A doctor may suggests medications that will increase the chances for conception. Other options include IVF, donor eggs and sperm, and surrogacy if wanted. It is important to have patience. Even if pregnancy does not happen within one year, it may not signal a medical problem.


Quotes Living Life said...

Thanks for the info. Pretty interesting for me!!!! That’s what I need.