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Importance Of Positive Communication On Teen Rebellion, According To West Ridge Academy

Saturday, July 7, 2012

According to West Ridge Academy, rebellion has become part of growing up among many teenagers today. Experts even claim that brief stretches of rebellion may even be healthy for adolescents, but that it should not go overboard otherwise it will pose a serious threat to themselves as well as to those who are around them. Due to this, experts are advising parents not to disregard any signs of rebellion from their teens and act as swiftly as possible in order to address any lingering concerns that their teens may have during this often confusing stage of their lives.
Will Communication Be Enough?

Would you like to know the number one cause for the aforementioned rebelliousness of most teenagers? It’s actually the lack of open and positive communication with their parents. Indeed, it's no doubt the lack of a healthy, frequent talk with their parents that teens resort to rebellion just to catch their attention. You may question yourself, "Why is my teen pushing me away and rebelling against me when I actually want to talk to him and spend as much time as possible to bond with him during every opportunity possible? " As the parent, you have the mandate to guide him to a better adolescent period, which is to say, you have to spend more time with your teen and communicate as much as possible. Admittedly, this is often easier said than done.

The Importance of Good Communication
How can good communication be beneficial in dealing with your rebellious teen? Following are some of the benefits of healthy communication with your teen, according to West Ridge Academy:
1. Makes you closer to each other. Remember the time when you were the most important person for him in the whole world? That was probably as recently as ten or so years ago. For sure you also had the time of your life as a parent back then, with your child's affections and all, so what's stopping you from trying to bring those good old times back? Go ahead and allow him to express his thoughts as an adolescent, but at the same time ask him about any good memories of the both of you together that he may still retain dating back from his childhood days. Afterwards, let him know that it's alright to hear these kinds of things from him. This will make him realize that you still actually love him and treasure him even though he has been acting quite troublesome and rebellious of late.

2. Hones your teen's listening skills. If you talk with your child as frequently as you can, he will surely develop into a better listener, and will eventually pay attention to the instructions and rules imposed by you, his teachers, and other authorities that he has deliberately broken or disobeyed previously.

3. Helps gain a better understanding of social cues, both verbal and nonverbal. Though your teen may not necessarily recognize your efforts and of those around him in order to reach out to him because he might be in a state of, "Nobody actually cares about me.” If you start bonding with your rebellious child and try talking to him on a daily basis, he will surely learn more about how to socialize with other people; eventually learning how to properly respond to other people’s statements and behaviors.

As hard as it is may be for you to believe right now, but teens don't deliberately act rebellious because they dream of becoming thugs someday. The real cause why they're acting rebellious when you dig down deep is that these teens are actually desperate for their parents attention, to the point where they are willing to purposefully break some rules, or even skip classes and do all sorts of negative things, just to get your attention and hear their desperate pleas for your time, love and care. West Ridge Academy and its media channels encourages you that it’s time to start over with your child and start an open and meaningful communication line with him.

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