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West Ridge Academy Assists Parents In Connecting With Their Adopted Children

Sunday, July 1, 2012

WRA can assist parents who want to re-establish connection with their adopted children who may have run into some kind of trouble. Establishing that connection with an adopted child can be one of the most difficult and sensitive things for parents to accomplish. West Ridge Academy offers the following suggestions for parents to establish that much-needed bond with their adopted child.

Physical Attention

An adopted child needs hugs and encouragement just like a normal child does. Never think for a moment about not providing such critical morale-boosting needs to your adopted child. This will assure them that everything is going to be fine, and over time it will help develop a closer bond between the child and parent. A hug can do wonders for a child who is trying to fit into new surroundings. Over and above anything else, what your adopted child needs the most from you is your love and attention.

Emotional Attention

Another way to connect with your adopted child is to sit down and listen to them. Be responsive to what they have to say. If they came from another country, try to get them to open up about what their life was like back home. This will help you understand your adopted child a little better. Do not interrupt them when they are trying to communicate something, but always try to listen and anticipate any possible signals that they may be trying to convey in the process.

Connecting With Boys

To connect with a male child you should take part in activities that boys like to do. Find out his particular interests, or go outside and play catch in the front yard or work on a project together. Be an active participant in his life and try to make him feel welcome to your family as best as you could. Once you show that interest in him, he’ll be more able to open up and become comfortable with you. West Ridge Academy is there to provide support for parents to make this all-important connection with their adopted children as well as provide professional advice.

How to Connect With Girls

You must be able to relate or participate in games and activities that girls usually do, if you want to establish that connection with a female adopted child. Mom can take her shopping, or do other things that girls like to do. Participating in some cooking lessons together can provide some good opportunities for bonding as well. It's also important that the father should show some level of interest in these kinds of activities as well, in order to be able to relate with the adopted child. One way to do this is to find something fun to do together such as going to the movies, taking a walk, or going to the zoo. Girls typically need more attention than boys, so you must be sure to provide her that adequate level of attention and security in your company.

Addressing That Culture Gap

One tricky challenge in an adoption might be the cultural differences between parents and the adopted child. You can try and align this disconnect by doing some cultural activities with them. For example, you can go and sample some of their native cuisine by going to a restaurant which serves such kind of food, or try to learn a little bit of their language, or celebrate some of the important holidays back in their native country. If it’s possible and you happen to have extra money and can afford it, plan a trip back to where they came from and plan activities for them to do. Try getting together with other parents who have adopted children from that country and plan a group trip. West Ridge Academy can assist you in coming up with ways and activities to help bridge this cultural gap between you and your adopted child.

Biological Parents

If your adopted child expresses an intention to learn more about his original parents, then you must try and extend as much help as possible in order for them to learn more about his biological parents. This could prove to be heavily emotional for the adopted child to you must make it a point to be there for your child for that much-needed emotional support. This is one way for your adopted child to move on.

Ongoing Support

You should make it a point to extend that needed support to your adopted child as much as possible. Make them feel comfortable and secure in their new surroundings. If necessary, take a time out from your hectic schedule in order to devote some time to provide that needed attention and love to your adopted child as much as possible. If you do this, the rewards will be well worth the effort. If your family is struggling with some adoption-related problems, you can contact West Ridge Academy in Utah directly or through their media sources, in order to get that professional advice and support that your family needs.