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Biography Videos Online Document Family Histories & History Projects

Saturday, September 8, 2012

Video Biography Basic Interview Tips

So you’ve finally decided to make your own video biography. But because this is your first time with this kind of undertaking, you might have some concerns on what to do and what not to do as you go along the way. But fret not, because here are some helpful tips which will help you get started and moving smoothly in your video making endeavor. Provided here are some of the basic interview pointers that you have to remember when you plunge into the information gathering stage of your video biography.

Take time to conduct group interviews. People tend to be more relaxed and lively when they have someone by their side during interviews. In effect, answers come out more naturally and the relaxing atmosphere rubs on you so you get along with the video biography interview process much better.
Don’t forget to interview the subject(s) alone. Just because you interviewed a subject along with his/her co-subjects doesn’t mean you shouldn’t talk to him/her alone. As relaxing and lively the interview process may be with group interviews, a subject is usually more candid when interviewed alone.
Be aware of the length of the interview. It’s easy to get caught up with an interview session as it could build up a lot of interest and momentum. But as an interviewer, you should always be aware of the time and more importantly the needs of your interviewee. Never sacrifice a lunch break and the likes just to make way for your video biography interview.

Biography videos online are a legacy for your family & for the country. Many oral history projects are underway & may appreciate your video interview as well.

Family biography videos online are a great way to create oral histories with interviews, stories, information about the family, or just to create or add information to family history projects, genealogies, and to record anniversaries or life milestones. A biography video is a priceless gift for posterity and a legacy, particularly recording interviews with older family members.

Whether you intend for a video interview to be for family members and posterity, or you are interested in creating an oral history and plan to upload biography videos online for public viewing, realize that your video can be an important legacy for your family or for local or national oral history projects.

Of course, posting biography videos online makes it easier for distant family members, friends, or even acquaintances. Call Tree Ring Films at 630-418-5312.

Visit Tree Ring Films to Learn about Biography Videos Online

Call Tree Ring Films in Chicago at (630) 418-5312

Sources include: ArchivesGOV, USHMM, Densho, GPOgov and LOCgov