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The Collaborative Divorce Process

Monday, October 15, 2012

Dealing with divorce is distressing enough considering that it means the conclusion of a relationship. But, our Family Law Solicitors know that the whole process can often be made a good deal worse as most of what goes on is governed by the legal system. If you'd like to steer clear of a lot of the additional tension, pressure and expense, you can work towards a collaborative divorce in cases where both you and your husband or wife are in agreement.

Exactly What is the Process of a Collaborative Divorce
It's a very tough thing to have to endure the stressful process of getting divorced from your husband or wife. It's painful, it's difficult and it's frequently public. The ideal way to avoid some of these issues is to use a collaborative divorce instead of a conventional one.

A traditional divorce will involve you going to court where you will need to settle for the final decision of a judge. A collaborative divorce will usually only involve you, your partner and your solicitors. You will have numerous group meetings with everyone there in order to reach an agreement.

Lots of people confuse using a mediator with the collaborative divorce process, however they are not the same. A mediator is unable to provide you with any kind of legal advice. However, in the collaborative divorce process, since both spouses will have their solicitors there, legal advice can be provided.

Handling your divorce in this manner should help considerably to keep your expenses down and also arrive at a conclusion faster than when you use the regular route to get your divorce.

Collaborative Divorce & its Advantages
Men and women don't like to think about a marriage as a legal process, yet it is. Which means that the whole process of concluding a married relationship will also be a legal matter. Perhaps you may learn about a number of divorce cases that are really fast, but it is much more likely to drag out for some time.

As we are all aware, when you get mixed up in the legal system, everything becomes a great deal more difficult. When the legal system becomes involved, there are a good many more details to deal with and court dates to be organised. And then, each time your husband or wife suggests a new proposal to your arrangement, there is a waiting period for you to receive a response from them, additional court dates to review the proposal, and so on.

Just about every stage of the divorce process you will have to move through because of the regulations of the legal system might hold up your divorce. Having said that, that is not the only issue that could be a problem for you. The longer it will take for the process to be completed, the more work your Divorce Solicitor will have to do. This means you may have to pay your lawyer much more than you envisioned.

Is the Collaborative Divorce Process Best for you?
You should think pretty hard before deciding on a collaborative divorce. It is not going to be right for every couple and so there will be various factors you ought to think about.

In order for this process to work, both parties must be in agreement from the beginning that they wish to get to an agreement that is fair to both parties and place the needs of any children first. The process will not be useful in the event that one or both spouses aim to "get as much as they can" from the divorce. If you think that is the perspective of your husband or wife, you might want to pursue the more conventional route.

Chances are you'll benefit from the collaborative divorce process when you honestly think an agreement can be reached however, you prefer additional support and legal advice to ensure your best interests are being appropriately represented.

A collaborative divorce could save both parties a substantial amount of time and expense. It is also the best way to preserve a civil relationship with your soon to be ex-partner.