Here are some tips on how you can win your woman’s heart. Its knowledge discovered by wise men after reviewing what women prefer.
- When you're at home, seek her out first before you do anything else and hug her.
- Ask her specific questions so that you know what she has planned to do today.
- Practice listening and ask questions to win a woman's heart.
- Brace yourself to solve her problems, but understand the nature of her situation and show that you care.
- To win a woman's heart, give her the real attention she asked for without waiting half an hour each day.
- Surprise her with gifts at any time, especially so on dates or a meaningful celebration.
- Plan ahead several days before with her. To win a woman's heart, do not wait until Friday night and asked what to do.
- If on one night, she felt tired or is too busy to cook, offer to cook to win a woman's heart.
- Always praise her in terms of beauty, elegance, appearance etc.
- Acknowledge her feelings when she feels angry.
- Offer assistance to her when she feels tired and exhausted.
- Remind her of any scheduled trip much earlier so that she does not panic in preparation to win a woman's heart.
- If you are late, do not forget to call her and tell her about it.
- If she wants your support by asking about something, say so or not. To win a woman's heart, do not make her feel guilty to ask.
- When her feelings are hurt, give her your sympathy and emphatise with her. Then be silent and allow her to feel that you understand that she was offended. To win a woman's heart, do not try to explain why you think it’s not her fault.
- If you need time alone due to some unavoidable problems, tell her that you need some time to sort things out.
- If your uneasy feelings have subsided after an argument, inform her politely that it was due to her but then you do not blame her. To win a woman's heart, she needs to know otherwise she may think differently.
- When the weather is cold, it is best to close the distance yourself and let the heat of your body keep her warm.
- At the time she wants to talk to you, close the book, magazine, newspaper or whatever you are reading, and close the TV. Give your full attention to win a woman's heart.
- If she often washes the dishes, occasionally assist her, especially if she is tired.
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